Choosing the amulet of good luck

A person’s unique desire to attract good luck and win the support of superiors. For this reason, various amulets have been used since ancient times, and their effectiveness has been proven by many generations of practitioners. The most important thing is to have pure thoughts and know how to use them correctly.

The most powerful amulet, good luck

Amulets that attract money and good luck vary widely, but the Israeli thread originated from Kabbalah. The method of rabbit feet, clover, and horseshoes is considered the most powerful and effective.

Some of them, such as the horseshoe, are traditional Slavic symbols, usually hung on the front door of the house so that the family always lives in prosperity and prosperity. Others came from the Eastern approach, but this did not reduce their effectiveness.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, in order to attract money and open up the flow of money, people should keep a small statue of a toad in their homes. If you often carry a miniature image of a pig with you, you will find a good job.

Main amulets and how amulets work

The auspicious amulet is not only a beautiful ornament, it is also an energetic amulet that can activate the positive energy around the bearer and attract success.

Anyone who owns one of these amulets with him and sincerely believes in its positive effects will succeed. You shouldn't expect millions of people to fall from the sky, but it is quite possible to get the promotion or the long-awaited bonus at work.

Israel's red line on the left wrist

Red thread Israeli amulet for protection from evil spells

Traditionally, this kind of good luck amulet can be purchased at the Wailing Wall in Israel, but in modern life, the ceremony can also be simplified. Those who wish to wear red thread on their hands can buy a bunch of twisted wool, charge it vigorously, and wear it.

Attention! The red line protects from evil spells, evil eyes and corruption, helps to get rid of the influence of bad wishes, and learn how to save.

Imperial Amulet

represents a coin with a hole on it. The main purpose is a money amulet. It should be purchased by entrepreneurs and all people related to sales, real estate, and finance. Impact:

  • Help career development.
  • Prevent failed transactions and hasty decisions.
  • Revenue growth.

Slavic amulet

Various amulets for attracting money and prosperity are in use.Slavic amulet that attracts money and well-beingTraditionally in Slavic culture, they are made of wood or red thread and are always carried with you.

The disappearance of the amulet means that it can cope with its function and no longer needs the wearer. The most popular Slavic amulets are Serpentine, Kolovrat, Ladunets and Velesovik. They can be made by yourself or purchased at "Path to Me" or other mysterious shops.

Horseshoe shape

This is a famous amulet that can attract success. It is located above the front door; of course the family carried it with them when they moved.

Attention! The horns of the horseshoe are placed above the door, thus protecting family members from negative spells and destruction.


This is a great amulet. Therefore, in ancient times, many people went to the forest to find magic clover.

However, the image of the plant itself is so powerful that its wearer can find material well-being and seek the support of good power.

Rabbit Feet-Indian Cultural Heritage

This is a talisman of wealth and luck, and an original way to increase the possibility of having a child. People think that putting rabbit feet under the bed is actually a sure way to get pregnant.

The tradition of using the legs of white rodents comes from the indigenous peoples of the United States, where such pendants are hung around their necks.

Attention! The amulet of luck and money brought by the claws of rodents trapped in the cemetery in the dark is considered the most effective.

Golden Key

This is not only a symbol of power, but also an opportunity to win the support of magic power to obtain real wealth.Power amulet golden key signDon't think that the money amulet will do anything for a person. However, it will help you gain confidence and good luck.

There are other amulets used for money, such as Indian elephant statues, cat eyes, and Fatima's hands. You can choose a specific amulet based on your zodiac sign, which will also help activate the flow of funds.

How to make amulets with your own hands

You can make your own amulet in case you need it. For this, you need the simplest items you can find in everyone's home. The easiest way is to use ordinary coins.

To perform the ritual at home, it is important to wait for the waxing moon. Then put the selected coin in a container with water, refer to it psychologically, and ask it to be a talisman to attract people's financial status. Then, in the overnight night, put the coins in the moonlight and put them in a purse or red bag specially prepared for them in the morning.

Another easy way to attract money into the house is amulets. To complete this task, you need 5 white lines and 1 red line. Bundle them into a bunch, center the white color, and then group them into 5 knots.

Important! The resulting amulet must be placed in a secluded place and will not be shown to anyone.

The amulet that attracts the flow of money looks ordinary, for example, like ordinary silver bracelets or pendants. However, this topic should be discussed first, and only in this case can it bring the expected results. For this reason, put the object in a glass of water in the evening from Thursday to Friday, and then seek spiritual help. After charging the silver jewelry, you must wear it without removing it.

Charging talisman function

The ceremony is not particularly difficult, but doing everything accurately and believing that success is very important.

Put the selected amulet in a rag and wrap it with a rope 9 times. After that, you should first rotate clockwise 9 times, and then-counterclockwise for the same number of rotations.The ritual of collecting amulets to gain powerThen use the power of the elements to charge: you need to blow into the amulet and imagine how the owner's internal energy penetrates into the amulet, giving it life-giving power.

Attention! To enhance the effect, you can give it a name, such as "success", and keep it under candle light for a period of time.

To activate

Activation is the most important condition for the correct use of amulet attributes. The easiest way to make amulets is to use the power of 4 elements. To do this, place the selected amulet on the window sill of the open window and fill it with air energy. Then-hold the candle over the flame, immerse it in water, and then bury it briefly in a saucer with mud.

All of these will help attract energy and help save energy. After choosing a certain amulet as money, you should keep it safe instead of bragging to friends and acquaintances. Only in this case can the amulet play its magical role. That's right, you need to be prepared to make the amulet disappear from the wearer's life one day, which means that he has fulfilled the role assigned to him.